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Welcome To TrainingZone
Many organisations in Malaysia realise that to excel in today's competitive market, we must have highly skilled and well-trained employees within the teams. Professional skills, information, and knowledge are now a pre-requisite in the corporate or business world. Training employees has become a core strategy for many companies to motivate and re-energize their employees to peak performance.

At TrainingZone, we focus on providing the best possible high quality training and development programmes that will deliver high performance results for our customers. We are continuously driven to be the training provider that you can depend on for all your training needs.
Latest Training Programmes:
Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 21 & 22 October 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Interviewing Skills And Investigation Techniques Workshop By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Most managers think they are good at interviewing. But it is not easy to do well. Researchers have shown, over and over again, that interviewers fail in their task because they make up their minds too early, fail to collect all the relevant information or don’t evaluate systematically what has emerged from the interview.

Furthermore, interviewers rarely get evidence that any of their rejected candidates would have been a better choice. So- unless the person they do appoint turns out to be obviously incompetent-they are rarely prompted even to reflect on their mistakes.

Nevertheless, interviews continue to be the most common method of selecting new staff. So it is worth thinking about how to avoid the major pitfalls.

Most managers think they are good at interviewing. But it is not easy to do well. Researchers have shown, over and over again, that interviewers fail in their task because they make up their minds too early, fail to collect all the relevant information or don’t evaluate systematically what has emerged from the interview.

Furthermore, interviewers rarely get evidence that any of their rejected candidates would have been a better choice. So- unless the person they do appoint turns out to be obviously incompetent-they are rarely prompted even to reflect on their mistakes.

Nevertheless, interviews continue to be the most common method of selecting new staff. So it is worth thinking about how to avoid the major pitfalls.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 23 & 24 October 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Achieving Productivity Through Efficiency & Effectiveness By Aslini Abdullah
Productivity is an essential element towards achieving company’s objectives. A typical successful organization will always reward advancement to those who are able to achieve and exceed desired results. It is not surprising, those who are only able to achieve minimum standards will be identified for something less in the company.

The normal concern is how do we increase productivity with the existing resources? If it is left unattended, we are definitely looking at inefficient and ineffective human capital.

In order to achieve the desired results within the shortest possible time will lead to managing and organizing ourselves. 

With proper managing of self, superiors, communications and relations, prioritizing of work and decision-makings, anyone can achieve a desired output and ultimately have a sense of accomplishment. 

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 28 & 29 October 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Sales Management, Sales Coaching & Sales Leadership Workshop By Tee Keng Chai, Casey
This Sales Management , Sales Coaching & Sales Leadership workshop provides sales managers and supervisors with the skills and tools they need to manage their time/priorities more effectively and become better sales coaches.

To be an exceptional sales manager requires a completely different set of skills than selling. Without this skill set, sales managers often get mired down in the reactive firefighting mode. Our program offers a comprehensive and disciplined approach for sales managers to become great sales leaders!
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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 4 & 5 November 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Analytical Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat

To improve individual's analytical skills by using various models that are introduced.

To develop and improve the participants? ability to visualize, articulate, solve complex problems and concepts, and make decisions that make sense based on knowledge, skills and information. Such skills include demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, generating potential alternatives, designing and testing solutions to problems, and formulating plans.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 6 & 7 November 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Dealing With Complaints Objectively By Aslini Abdullah
Dealing with complaints objectively will give an a opportunity to maintain loyal customers

Some customers are more difficult to deal with than others. Few customers are inherently rude or mean, although some may be. Usually when a customer is mad, rude, challenging or otherwise difficult to help, there is a reason.

The fact of the matter is that most customers are great. They are friendly, understanding, and tolerant. They are also knowledgeable, demanding, conscious of the value of their time, and hold high expectations for quality of product and service. You as service providers should never take these customers for granted.

Even when customers are wrong or difficult you must respect their perception and treat them with respect.

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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 8 November 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Job Evaluation For Human Resources (HR) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Almost everyone in a profit-oriented organisation works because of compensation and benefits. 

Employees look for a certain minimum compensation to meet their cost of living expenses and thereafter to be compensated according to market conditions. Besides this employees expect to be given a fair compensation in comparison to others. Employees also want to know their salary structure as part of having a secure career plan.
Employers on the other hand need a proper compensation plan to attract and retain employees. A properly developed salary structure will be useful for planning and budgeting purposes. 

The programme starts off with compensation decisions, followed by job evaluation to determine an internally equitable salary structure in tandem with the market. 

Participants get to experience the detailed hands-on process of evaluating jobs and the management of the various aspects of compensation through experiential workshop exercises led by a facilitator with practical work and training experience. 

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 11 & 12 November 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills Workshop By Aslini Abdullah
Communication and Interpersonal Skills are what we use when we communicate and deal with other people face-to-face. Everything we say and do to another person will have an effect on them, even though we often don not realise it. Our Interpersonal Skills can either help or hinder our relationships with other people.

When we communicate with another person we have no choice but to make impression on each other. When we make the impression we want our Interpersonal Skills is high.

To be successful in terms of Interpersonal Skills we need to create and maintain good relationships with people, both at work and socially. Knowing how to handle difficult situations and people will improve our personal effectiveness.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 13 & 14 November 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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5 Star Customer Service Workshop By Aslini Abdullah
In today’s competitive business world, the primary differentiation between one company and another is service. With never-ending demands stemming from every direction, most people choose to hear, rather than listen, and in some occasions, the message can be misunderstood, resulting in costly errors in monetary terms and in some instances, professional relationships too get jeopardised. 

Participants who attend this workshop will be coached to become better speakers and listeners, and will also be able to get other people to listen better to them. These skills, once mastered, is an effective tool which helps people avoid misunderstandings, increases the quality of customer service, develops concentration skills and creates solid professional and personal relationships.

To give an insight into Quality Customer Service and applying appropriate techniques in dealing with customers and effectively and professionally through telephone and e-mails.

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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 15 November 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Balanced Scorecard For Human Resources (HR) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah

This adage has long been known to bring about results.  

The programme describes how to set KPIs at all levels including at the individual level.

It also shows the role of management to get employees to achieve their KPIs.

It sets the customer as the focus of all employee efforts.

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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 18 & 19 November 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Mentoring, Coaching And Counseling Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat

Mentoring is a process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches, sponsors, encourages, counsels and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the purpose of promoting the latter?s professional and/or personal development. Mentoring functions are carried out within the context of an ongoing, supportive relationship between the mentor and mentee.

Counseling and coaching are skills that can be learned through persistence and patience. If you have a sincere desire to develop and support others and the self-discipline to practice the specific strategies, you can become proficient in these areas.

The rewards from improving your counseling and coaching skills are many. In our professional life, we can use these skills to create optimal working conditions which include: proper orientation and training for employees, establishing clear responsibilities and standards, providing appropriate guidance and support during times of transition and insuring increased motivation and productivity through effective feedback.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 20 & 21 November 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making Skills By Aslini Abdullah
This training adopts a time-tested and proven approach to effective problem solving and provides a wealth of effective techniques which can be applied and implemented immediately on the job .

The approach presented in this program  is a simple and easy-to-use problem solving and decision making  process which is  explained in a step- by- step fashion and can be used by supervisors , executives and managers. 

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Job Ebenezer A/L Manikkam
Date: 21 & 22 November 2024 (Thursday & Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Digital Leadership with NLP By Job Ebenezer A/L Manikkam
The training is done online and is designed for those who are interested in taking their leadership skills to the next level. The world is changing at a fast pace whereby a digital revolution is taking place. In the current changing environment, leaders and managers need to be agile and skilled in terms of managing their teams towards productivity and excellence. Every leader desires a high performing team and wants to fully leverage the skills and experience of their employees. They need to be continuously learning and growing. Come and be trained over the two days with the principles and techniques that 
will help you.
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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 25 & 26 November 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Enhancing Leadership Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat

Leaders are self-confident and inspire self-confidence in others. Leaders project personal dynamism. Leaders know how to speak in a way that moves others to action. Leaders know how to nurture and coach others. They help others to be more creative. Leaders build teamwork among their followers.

Leadership deals with persuading, inspiring, motivating others, and spearheading useful changes. A leader creates a sensible vision for others, and then directs them toward achieving that vision. To be a leader, the people they are attempting to lead must have confidence in them and give them their support and commitment. They need support and commitment to achieve company objectives, as well as those of their own organisational unit.

To enable managers to develop their leadership skills by encouraging and inspiring individuals and teams to give their best to achieve a desired result.

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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 2 & 3 December 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
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Creative Thinking And Innovation Workshop By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Creative thinking begins with the generation of ideas. If you are to have the broadest perspective on a situation, at some point you will need to consider the different viewpoints of all the people involved.

The skill of deliberately shifting your point of view to accommodate those of others will allow you to create a more complete list of the factors, consequences and options involved.

In the phase of generating ideas, right-brain functions are most helpful. Have you ever struggled to solve a problem and found the answer “popped” into your head while you were out shopping or jogging or when you woke up the next day. That is because it was released from left-brain control and turned over to your right-brain insight.

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 2 & 3 December 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
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Improve Your "5Cs Skills" At Work By Tee Keng Chai, Casey
What are 5Cs Skills. The 5Cs skills are Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Commitment and Co-operation:

 1. The ability to apply creative thinking to the gathering and analyzing of information.
 2. The ability to look at problems critically 
 3. The ability to communicate effectively that make sense based on available information.
 4. The ability to commit yourself to do an excellent job
 5. The ability to co-operate with others and therefore others love to work with you.

Are you flooded with information and new knowledge on a daily basis? Unsure how to assess the credibility of new information? Not 100% confident you’re making valid decisions?

With interactive learning, combined with discussion, lecture, and case studies, this is your opportunity to learn creative skills to solve problem and make decisions to the best advantage of your business and career.

Whether you are a new or an experienced staff, this workshop is designed to enable you to develop the critical core abilities essential to success.
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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 6 December 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Payroll Calculations under Employment Act & Labour Ordinance (Sabah/Sarawak) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah
The Employment Laws covers the minimum terms and conditions of employment for ALL employees at ALL levels from top management to lowest level employees. This covers the Employment Act 1955, Labour Ordinance Sabah 2004 and Labour Ordinance Sarawak 2005

It is a basic human rights law for employer-employee relationships and must be known by all employers 

It also provides some obligations and limitations from both employer and employee particularly in terms of work hours and OT and the administration of benefits. 

(1) This programme is delivered in a simple easy-to-understand manner with the minimum use of legal jargon. 

(2) Unavoidable legal jargons are also explained in a simple non-legal way. 

(3) There are also plenty of workshop mini-case exercises for participants to practice on and become proficient.     

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 9 & 10 December 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
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Mastering The 10 Qualities of High Emotionally Intelligent People By Tee Keng Chai, Casey
If emotional intelligence (EQ) sounds like an oxymoron to you, that’s understandable. We tend to think of our emotions and our intelligence as two separate things. But put them together as emotional intelligence, and it’s essentially a different way to be smart because it’s “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically” according to the dictionary definition. The term was made popular by psychologist Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, in which he redefines what it is to be smart. In the book, Goleman lays out five components of emotional intelligence.

A common question that is often asked about Emotional Intelligence is …. “Can EQ be learned?”   We have all experienced or have met people that seem to be naturally gifted at controlling or recognizing their emotions.  These individuals seem to understand how to put others in a comfortable place, or get them engaged, or even to give another person whatever it is that they need at that time.

The good news is that while some people have EQ as a natural talent, for those that don’t, EQ skills can be learned.  There has been some clear and focused research that supports this fact. People can learn how to interact more effectively at work and increase their emotional intelligence. To make this happen, an individual needs to be personally motivated to do this.  Individuals need to first have a handle of where they are starting from (assessment) and then understand which of the five components of EQ need the greatest attention.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 9 & 10 December 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
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How To Continuously Improve Performance At Work By Aslini Abdullah

This workshop will enable executives to identify core competencies that enables them to become peak performers at work. It also helps them understand the true concepts of performance evaluation and how they can play an effective role to contribute positively towards organizational growth.


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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 16 & 17 December 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
Location Map
Project Management Workshop By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
A project is a series or interrelated tasks leading to a definite end. We spend a large proportion of our time juggling projects ranging from writing a report to launching a new product. Smaller projects can be dealt with by writing the individual tasks on our daily to-do lists, while larger projects require a more sophisticated approach. It is these larger projects on which we will concentrate. There are three stages in managing a project: planning, controlling and evaluating. If we fail to manage these three stages effectively, the project may well end up in the project graveyard.
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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 10 & 11 June 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
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Management & Leadership Skills for Supervisors & Managers By Tee Keng Chai, Casey
This intensive two-day workshop is a highly interactive workshop designed for supervisors/managers who want to grow their management skills fast - and get on the fast track to achieving leadership success. Comprehensive leadership training will cover the proven management techniques and powerful strategies you need to become a stronger, more confident and respected leader.

You'll learn how to handle dozens of key management challenges with ease, including how to establish credibility and authority fast, how to motivate employees to give 110 percent, how to handle attitude problems and rule-breakers, how to curb absenteeism and tardiness, how to give constructive feedback and how to conduct effective performance appraisals.

As a workshop bonus, you'll receive self-assessment tools, handy checklists, the Leadership Style Analysis and numerous other resources that give you insight into how to build on your supervisory strengths.

Why risk your career by stumbling along, learning management skills by trial and error when you can get up to speed fast on essential management techniques and strategies? The management skills and knowledge you need to succeed are only a 2-day workshop away!

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 18 & 19 December 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
Location Map
Handling Difficult Customers Workshop By Aslini Abdullah

Some customers are more difficult to deal with than others. Few customers are inherently rude or mean, although some may be. Usually when a customer is mad, rude, challenging or otherwise difficult to help, there is a reason.

The fact of the matter is that most customers are great. They are friendly, understanding, and tolerant. They are also knowledgeable, demanding, conscious of the value of their time, and hold high expectations for quality of product and service. You as service providers should never take these customers for granted.

Even when customers are wrong or difficult you must respect their perception and treat them with respect.

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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 20 December 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur (Across From Berjaya Times Square)
Location Map
EPF Act 1991, SOCSO Act 1969, EIS 2018 and OSHA1994 By Pagadala Cyril Papiah
 For the purpose of this training, the following laws are covered:

(1) The EPF Act 1991 is a mandatory retirement scheme for employees. This requires contribution by both employer and employee. It has benefits for employees 
(2) The SOCSO Act 1969 is a mandatory insurance scheme for employees for employment injury or invalidity (non-employment injury).This requires contribution by both employer and employee. Its has benefits for employees  

(3) The EIS (Employment Insurance System 2018) is a mandatory insurance scheme for all retrenched employees. This requires contribution by both employer and employee. It has benefits for employees 

(4) The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA) mandates the appointment and functions of the Safety Officer and The Safety Committee in certain industries. This is of benefit to employer and employer as it aims to make the organisation a safe place to work.   

This is a comprehensive training covering all relevant areas of EPF, SOCSO and EIS concerning employer and employee deductions and contributions according to the specified rates. Employers will also be able to advise their employees about the benefits and assist them in their claims. 

The training also covers the functions of the Safety Officer and Safety Committee in an organization; and other safety issues     

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